Ceramic Fiber Blanket

Ceramic Fiber Blanket

Ceramic Fiber Blanket is made from high purity Alumina, Silica and Zircon. It is highly efficient insulator with extremely low shrinkage characteristics.

This material can be used for applications with temperatures from 1260 – 1425 Deg. Blankets have high tensile strength for longer life and durability. Ceramic Fiber Blankets contain no binders and are completely inorganic.

  • Low Thermal Conductivity
  • Low Heat Storage
  • High Tensile Strength
  • Thermal Shock Resistance
  • Sound Absorption
  • Easy to Install
  • Contains no Binder

Product Features

Size 600 X 25 X 7300 MM
Color White
Material High Temperature Material
Min Order Quantity 30 Role
Shape Role
Resistance Durability Fire Resistant
Packing Role
State Of Product Solid Role
Max Temp 1260-1425 Deg
Thickness 25 MM
Grade Fresh
Brand Milan Refractories
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